How to Build Successful Switching Systems for Mission-Critical Test Applications

Le 09/05/2023 à 9:05 par La rédaction

Today’s test systems are often developed in silos – specific test systems designed for the specific products or processes needed today – without forethought toward future testing needs. However, shifts in demand require today’s products to scale in production or grow in functionality. When engineering teams design test systems without taking into consideration full product lifecycles or future product roadmaps, they end up with rigid systems and struggle with insufficient capabilities, obsolete components, and ultimately expensive overhauls.

When organizations intentionally begin with signal switching and design their test solution from the inside out, standardizing core electronics test and measurement platforms along the way, the result is a test system that is not only reliable, but scalable for growth and flexible for reuse across multiple programs and projects. This is especially applicable for companies who have complex test systems and are looking to streamline test equipment and competencies across engineering teams.

Streamlining your testing can help companies get to market quickly without the stress of technology lock-in, surprise project delays, or ballooning costs. This paper will outline how to design a streamlined switching subsystem at the core of your test system for ultimate:

  • Repeatability: able to be easily manufactured and producing accurate, reliable results
  • Maintainability: able to be serviced easily
  • Scalability: able to grow with product lines and functionality
  • Flexibility: able to be reused for future applications


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